Tuesday, June 19, 2012


What happens when you shoot 30 consecutive videos, and each one is an original song for different people who supported your dreams? Things get delirious. Enjoy this next batch of weird tunes by The Muckleberry Brothers!!!

Andrew Smithka:

Kickstarter Rewards Video for Andrew Smithka from Think Tank on Vimeo.

Tom Carroll:

Kickstarter Rewards Video For Tom Carroll from Think Tank on Vimeo.

Mary Parr:

Kickstarter Rewards Video for Mary Parr from Think Tank on Vimeo.

Lo McDonald:

Lo McDonald Kickstarter Rewards Video from Think Tank on Vimeo.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

More Kickstarter Reward Muckleberry Videos!!!

As promised, here's a new batch of the Kickstarter reward videos from the Muckleberry Brothers!  This week, we're featuring videos for Colleen Bland, Judy Oltman (Brent's mom), and Colin Joliat from the Flint Skinny and Guyism, all of whom were gracious enough to contribute at least $100 to our kickstarter campaign and pushing this dream a little farther toward reality!  Thanks guys!  ENJOY!!!

Colleen Bland:

Brent's Mom:
Colin Joliat (the Flint Skinny):

And just in case you missed it, here's the latest video, Liptitor from Think Tank Comedy!!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Kickstarter Rewards - Personalized Songs by The Muckleberry Brothers!!!

We began quite a big undertaking last year, raising over $5,500 to help shoot our original sketch comedy pilot Misguided TV. The first episode is in the final stages of post-production and should be finished in the next few weeks. We are getting really excited to submit it to the New York Television Festival for consideration!

In appreciation of all those who helped us raise the funds, we owe people some rewards!

For the first round of rewards, some of our kickstarter backers who pledged at least $100 are receiving short original songs composed and performed for them by The Muckleberry Brothers. We recorded about 20 songs total, so keep checking back. We will be releasing them gradually over the next two weeks.

The first three are dedicated to:

Michael "Rog" Gentile

Michael "Rog" Gentile's Kickstarter Reward from Think Tank's Muckleberry Brothers!!!! from Think Tank on Vimeo.

David Weglarz

Dave Weglarz Kickstarter Reward from the Muckleberry Bros. from Think Tank on Vimeo.

Casey Gustus

Casey Gustus Kickstarter Reward from the Muckleberry Bros!!!! from Think Tank on Vimeo.

Stay Tuned!!!

We have a bunch more songs coming over the next two weeks!!!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Muckleberry Kickstarter Rewards Are Coming!!!

Greetings!  It's a very exciting time here at Think Tank HQ.  We are currently putting together a series of events to unveil the first episode of Misguided TV in a big way...stay tuned for news on our Pilot Premiere Party!!!  Aaaand now that we aren't spending every waking minute working on finishing the pilot, we've spent some time thanking the many people who contributed to our Kickstarter campaign.  You were promised meat slaps, and those are coming very soon.  Another thing we promised our backers was a personalized song from our very own Muckleberry Brothers.  Well, we are pleased to announce that the Muckles have been hard at work in their Rainbow Recording Studios and have completed all of the reward songs!  We will be releasing all 20 of these songs in the coming days, and here's a sneak peak of "Cloudy Headed" Carl and "Sleepy" Stanley warming up their powerful pipes at the Rainbow.

Carl/Stanley Warmup #1:

Carl/Stanley Warmup #2:

Stay tuned for all of the Muckleberry personalized songs in all of their glory in the coming days!!!  We also have some big show announcements coming that will feature us collaborating with You, Me, Them, Everyone and some of our favorite Chicago standups!